Did Sixty Minutes Engage in Deception in their Segment about Afghanistan?

Last Sunday, Sixty Minutes aired their clip of the 2001 defeat of the Taleban Government in Afghanistan. It was a good, positive clip that put to rest the false terminology about the US invading Afghanistan. This clip titled Ex-CIA Operative Comes Out of the Shadows featured CIA Henry “Hank” Crumpton who went to Afghanistan with a…

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Maureen Dowd Gets It But David Ignatius Does Not?

Last week was dominated by the leaked military documents released by the website Wikileaks. The leaked papers prove beyond a shade of doubt to any unbiased reader that ISI, Pakistan’s Intelligence Service, has been assisting the Taleban in attacking US forces in Afghanistan while its parent & supervisory body Pakistani Panjabi Army calls itself the indispensable ally of America in fighting the Taleban.  None…

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