Charles Murray, American Electorate & Affirmative Education
Last week, we wondered whether the increasing separation of America’s educational haves from the educational have-nots can be best explained in term...
Last week, we wondered whether the increasing separation of America’s educational haves from the educational have-nots can be best explained in term...
Editor’s Note: In this series of articles, we include important or interesting videoclips with our comments. This is an article that expresses our p...
Few books get the attention and acclaim that has been given to the book by Charles Murray titled “Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010̶...
Young men tend to be idiots. As they enter college, the world beckons to them and in their arrogance they tend to look down upon what is near them. This is espe...
Today’s India prides itself on soft power. Even the soft power of Bollywood is soft. Every Bollywood hero has to dance to be successful. It is hard to ima...
Editor’s Note: In this series of articles, we include important or interesting videoclips with our comments. This is an article that expresses our p...
The biggest news of the past couple of weeks is the Supreme Court Decision on Obamacare. The next, in our opinion, is another weaker than expected Jobs report r...
The global media featured the discovery of the Higgs boson particle extensively with photographs and lengthy articles. Virtually, every single article featured ...
Below are this Blog’s 10 Most Popular Articles for the second quarter of 2012 (in terms of viewer hits). 1. The Karna-Arjun Battle in The Maha-Bhar...