Happy Diwali & A Very Happy New Year


This week has been the Festival of Diwali, the most important and joyous celebration in the Indian Calendar and the beginning of the New Year. It signifies the victory of Light over Darkness and the victory of Good over Evil. Diwali is the colloquial term for Deepavali, which literally means a row of lights. That is why it is celebrated by lighting a row of lamps in every house, every neighborhood, every city and now virtually every country.

Every Diwali is special but this Diwali is extraordinarily special. Because a new beginning has been launched this week, a new beginning that literally has the potential to change the World. During this auspicious week of Diwali, Secretary of State Tillerson announced a new era of US-India relations in his speech at CSIS. This is not the place to discuss it in great detail. Suffice it to say this new beginning could launch an era of peaceful freedom and alert prosperity in the vast Indo-Pacific region. Peace & Prosperity – isn’t that the message of Diwali?

So it is so appropriate this year to bring to you all the best Diwali wishes of the two leaders that have made this new beginning possible.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xsoml52_asE[/embedyt]

This Diwali is even more special because it has begun a celebration of Diwali on the banks of the Holy Saryu river in which Bhagvaan Shri Ram completed his Avataar on earth. The beginning of the new annual grand celebration is due to the new Chief Minister of the State of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath.

Nearly 200,000 earthen lamps were lit on the steps to the Saryu river and the entire bank was decorated with lights.

The invocation above from Prime Minister Modi wished for happiness, prosperity and good health for all. Now let us hear that same sacred invocation in original Sanskrut dedicated to the great Aachaarya who launched a magnificent new era for India and the World 2,300 years ago.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fkvvm4rLmg8[/embedyt]

सर्वेऽपि सुखिन: सन्तु; सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः; सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु; मा कश्चित् दुक्खम् आप्नुयात्
“Let all humanity be happily content. Let all humanity be without ill-health. Let all humanity perceive the Noble. Let no one suffer grief or pain.”

The state described above is called Svasti (Su-Asti) and the symbol that creates Svasti is called Svastik. So let this Diwali deliver Svasti to you and your families –

स्वस्ति अस्तु भवतु



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