If Attock Falls, Can Lahore Be Far Behind?
Last week, the Pashtun Taliban attacked a Police Academy near Lahore. The attackers issued no demands but went on a rampage, killing at least eight recruit...
Last week, the Pashtun Taliban attacked a Police Academy near Lahore. The attackers issued no demands but went on a rampage, killing at least eight recruit...
Editor’s Note: Last week, we published our article titled “Do Wolves Attack Sheep?” (see https://cinemarasik.com/2009/03/...
Most of our readers are not likely to know that last week featured a five day military encounter between the Indian Army and the commandos of the Pakistani quas...
On Thursday, March 26, 2009, Mr. Joe Terranova made an “expert” appearance on CNBC’s Fast Money Show to discuss “Trading China...
The past few weeks have been full of intense media coverage of China, its comments about the US Dollar, its holdings of US Treasuries, its domestic stimulus and...
AIG CEO Edward Liddy received a brutal lashing by a Congressional Committee last week. It was sheer torture to watch. Every Congressman on that comm...
It was such a pleasant surprise to see the great Jon Stewart invite Nandan Nilekani on his show. After all, who expected Jon Stewart to have heard of ...
Our first article about Ben Bernanke on this blog was titled “Jim Cramer on Ben Bernanke – Fair in August 2007 and Unfair in August 2008”...
The Taylor Rule, proposed first by economist John Taylor in 1993, is a monetary policy formula (or rule) that stipulates how much the Federal Reserve Bank ...
We thought of several titles for this article including the overused “Bernanke For President”. Then we heard Jim Cramer use the phrase “In Ber...