Indian Rupee, an Existential Battle & Echo of Soros vs. BoE?
Last week, we wondered whether the Indian Rupee had stopped its waterfall decline and found a temporary bottom. A behavioral signal for that question was media ...
Last week, we wondered whether the Indian Rupee had stopped its waterfall decline and found a temporary bottom. A behavioral signal for that question was media ...
This week, on 15th August, India celebrated its Independence Day. During this Shubh week, the Kochi Shipyards of India delivered a momentous gift to the Indian ...
Editor’s Note: This is our 3rd article on what used to be Winner India: The first one described the ancient relationship between India & Greece and le...
Last week, special forces of NonPakistani army reportedly intruded 500 meters into Indian territory and ambushed a patrol of the Indian Army. Five Indian soldie...
The visit of Vice President Biden to India has ended. We are not privy to sources who know what transpired in the meetings. But we do get the sense that very li...
Beijing, the capital of China, is a proud city. It’s great attraction, we are told, is the Forbidden City complex – Imperial palace from the Ming dy...
The passion of Indian investors for Gold is well known. Most reporters in the American media laugh at this practice and attribute it to backwardness of Indian i...
This week we read that Nigella Lawson, the celebrity British chef who was publicly grabbed by the throat by her husband, has agreed to a speedy divorce. This ne...
The more we study the topic of rape, the more we realize how uninformed we are. A case in India triggered our interest which led us to the discovery of another ...
An article in the Times of India reported on Friday July 19, 2013: “Hindus in Pakistan are the worst victims of rape, says a report by an independent Amer...