“Today’s Breakaway Bites Back Later” – Lessons for China and India from Russia’s Georgia War

We borrow this title from that of an excellent article on www.bloomberg.com  titled “China’s Georgia War Lesson: Today’s Breakaway Bites Back Later”, written by Bloomberg’s Viola Gienger in Washington and Dune Lawrence in Beijing. Events in Russia have always provided instructive lessons for China and China has learned them well. China watched in amazement as…

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Gadar – A unique love story in the midst of the Greatest Human Migration in History

Every year on August 15, India celebrates the removal of British rule. That day in 1947 began with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s historic address to the world “..We made a tryst with destiny..”. On that historic day, only man in the world foresaw the enormous tragedy that was about to overwhelm both India and Pakistan. That man was…

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Did CNBC Management give us a Market Signal – Yes they did

On July 5, 2008, CNBC Management announced a change in their evening schedule: They replaced the daily 8 pm telecast of CNBC’s Fast Money, an aggressive risk-oriented trading show with a conservative personal finance show that preaches avoidance of risk.“It is a tenet of investing that the Business Press usually provides a reliable contrarian signal”…

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Afghanistan-Pakistan – Will the Sins of England be visited Upon America?

Today a great deal of media attention is focused on the North West Frontier Province (“NWFP“) of today’s Pakistan and the rapidly increasing control of the Taleban over this province. The New York Times is especially focused on this topic: Ragtag Taliban Show Tenacity in Afghanistan – August 4, 2008 Taliban Breached NATO Base in…

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Why are they called “Stans” and why is “Pak-i-Stan” unique?

Who can forget the wit of Donald Rumsfeld and especially his question about all the “Stans”. Mr. Rumsfeld was joking about the fact that names of many countries in Central Asia featured “stan”as a suffix. You have to wonder whether Mr. Rumsfeld’s ignorance had a lot to do with the troubles America faces today in Afghanistan and Iraq….

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