Jon Stewart’s Rant About Rick Santelli – A Mirror Image of Bill O’Reilly?

On February 21, we wrote an article* about the now famous rant of CNBC’s Rick Santelli and the arrogant response by the White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. Rick Santelli had simply stated his passionate criticism of President Obama’s housing plan and his fellow traders at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange had loudly voiced their agreement. The…

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Again Jim Cramer & Rich Bernstein Will Be Proved Right and Warren Buffett Wrong

Editor’s Note: This is an article about comments made on financial television and financial media in general. It is not an investment article and no one should base any investing decisions or conclusions based on anything written in or inferred from this article. Investing is a serious matter and all investment decisions that should only…

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Religious Devotion, Religious Fascism & Religious Terrorism

In this article, we lay out briefly our interpretation of the Sanaatan thought and its corollaries:Religious Devotion: Religious Devotion is a humble practice in which one surrenders to God in an attempt to become one with the Universal Soul. It is a practice that sheds the human ego and strips away the human attributes of intelligence, valor and wealth. The…

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Kudos To You Rick Santelli,The REF Of CNBC & Shame On You Robert Gibbs, White House Press Secretary

We have been old fans of Rick Santelli, the veteran trader-reporter who covers the bond markets for CNBC. Our nick name for him is “The REF”. When Rick speaks, CNBC viewers listen. So, (to hark back to an old commercial) he is Rick EF Hutton, Santelli; in short, Rick EF Santelli or simply the REF. Does this…

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CNBC’s Fast Money – Practice What Your Anchor Dylan Ratigan Preaches

Usually, the anchor of a Television show has a consistent personality and a set of views that establishes his brand. That is especially true of CNBC anchors. But, then Dylan Ratigan of CNBC’s “Fast Money” is no ordinary anchor. He changes his views, his mission, his personality and recasts himself as no other anchor can.  When…

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