Chinese Slowdown – Revenge of the Austrians?

On October 4, 2008 we wrote an article titled “Are The Wheels Coming Off Global growth? – Dubai and China” ––dubai-and-china.aspx Dubai and China represented the Promethean dream of unfettered global growth and we implied in our article that the economic gods were about to punish them just as the Greek gods punished Prometheus. This…

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Go and See “Slumdog Millionaire” this weekend – We Will

On September 6, we wrote a brief article titled “Slumdog Millionaire – A discovery from the Telluride Film Festival” ––a-discovery-from-the-telluride-film-festival.aspx. That story was brought to our attention by Raj Mundhe, our old friend and a noted investment advisor in metro Boston. This morning Raj alerted us to the review of Slumdog Millionaire by Joe…

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This Blog’s 10 Most Popular Articles

This is our monthly update of our list of 10 Most Popular Articles (in terms of viewer hits) as of Friday, November  7, 2008. 1. Shabana Azmi on “Indian Democracy is unfair to Muslims” – Our views and the Relevance to America – August 23, 2008 ––our-views-and-the-relevance-to-america.aspx2. The Greatest Publishing Project of Recent Years…

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Kashmir – Ah Kashmir

“If there is a Heaven on earth, It is here, It is here, It is here” – Jehangir. Rarely have truer words been spoken. The heavenly vale of Kashmir has been an integral part of Indian Culture, History and Tradition since time immemorial.Indian religious and spiritual texts can be broadly divided into three categories: The Ved (4…

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Dylan Ratigan of CNBC – He Doth Protest Too Much

Dylan Ratigan, the anchor of Fast Money and more CNBC shows than we can keep track of, has been a temperate, thoughtful reporter who takes pains to show a genial, good-natured side to his viewers. But, this week, Dylan Ratigan underwent a radical transformation of personality and recast himself as a  financial reincarnation of CNN’s Lou-Dobbs. It was…

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This Blog’s 10 Most Popular Articles

This is our monthly update of our list of 10 Most Popular Articles (in terms of viewer hits) as of Friday, October 10, 2008.  1. Shabana Azmi on “Indian Democracy is unfair to Muslims” – Our views and the Relevance to America – August 23, 2008 ––our-views-and-the-relevance-to-america.aspx 2. The Greatest Publishing Project of Recent Years – Conceived…

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