President Bush and India – His Vision, His Accomplishments and His Legacy

Today, the reality of India as a major economy is accepted and India’s potential as a global economic power is being understood. Even critics of India, like the liberal Australian Prime Minister, have remarked that this realization was a key reason for the approval of the India exception by the 45-nation Nuclear Suppliers Group.The world looked…

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CNBC Management, Listen to Erin Burnett – Let Jim Cramer & Rick Santelli Train CNBC Anchors

On July 23, 2008, Erin Burnett of CNBC hosted a debate on “Job Training: U.S. vs. India” with Vivek Wadhwa, author of “How the Disciple Became the Guru,” and Ron Hira, outsourcing expert and professor at Rochester Institute of Technology ( In this debate, Vivek Wadhwa lauded the training given by Indian Companies to their…

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Welcome Aboard Jim Cramer (& Rick Santelli)

In our article on August 2, 2008 – “Jim Cramer on Ben Bernanke – Fair in August 2007 and Unfair in August 2008”, we asked for a smackdown between CNBC’s Rick Santelli and Jim Cramer. (—fair-in-august-2007-and-unfair-in-august-2008.aspx).We withdraw this request.  Both Jim Cramer and Rick Santelli came together on Friday, September 5, 2008 and suggested that…

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