Donald Kohn, Vice Chairman of the US Federal Reserve – A Must Read

According to Bloomberg News, Two-Year US Treasury Yields rose 65 basis points (0.65%) this week to 3.02%, the largest such move since August 1982. The financial news was dominated by the specter of unrelenting and uncontrollable inflation.Sanity is required during such periods of volatility and price action. To that end, we suggest that you read the address by Donald…

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Again, New York Times is right and Times of India is wrong – Jhoom Barabar Jhoom

Nikhat Kazmi, Bollywood reviewer for Times of India, world’s largest circulation English language newspaper, vs. Rachel Saltz, Bollywood reviewer for New York Times, world’s most famous English language newspaper. Rachel gets the “Ras” or “heart” of this film whereas Nikhat does not. Nikhat called Jhoom Barabar Jhoom a “no-brainer”. He is right in this respect. The…

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