The New Egypt – A Russian, Pakistani, Iranian, a Neo Turko-Egyptian Model?

As Cairo, Alexandria and Suez exploded in massive protests against President Hosni Mubarak, there has been talk about “democracy” in Egypt and the need for “democratic reforms”. Our first thought is that such pressure for reforms should have come five years ago or at least a year ago when Mr. Mubarak began preparations for installing…

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Isn’t Amy Chua just like a Little League Parent, a Basketball Mother or a Cheerleader Mom?

I read Amy Chua’s article about superiority of Chinese Mothers when it was first published. Frankly, I dismissed it. It reminded me of today’s full-of-itself regime in China. When America fell into the 2008 financial crisis, the Chinese Leaders thought their system had won. Since then, they have been acting as the next global superpower. They think…

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