Interesting TACs of the Week (August 3 – August 9, 2019)

Summary – A top-down review of interesting calls and comments made last week in Treasuries, monetary policy, economics, stocks, bonds & commodities. TAC is our acronym for Tweets, Articles, & Clips – our basic inputs for this article. Editor’s Note: In this series of articles, we include important or interesting Tweets, Articles, Video Clips with our comments. This is an article…

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US-Taleban Deal – An Unnecessary Overreach, A Political Minefield or Both?

  How well is President Trump positioned for the 2020 election? Any one who watched both the adoring rally for President Trump in Cincinnati, OH and the sad Democrat Party debates, would feel fairly comfortable about President Trump’s chances. The Democrat contenders couldn’t hit President Trump with anything real or substantial. All they had was…

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Interesting TACs of the Week (July 27 – August 2, 2019)

Summary – A top-down review of interesting calls and comments made last week in Treasuries, monetary policy, economics, stocks, bonds & commodities. TAC is our acronym for Tweets, Articles, & Clips – our basic inputs for this article. Editor’s Note: In this series of articles, we include important or interesting Tweets, Articles, Video Clips with…

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India to the Moon – Deja Vu from Spain-Columbus Voyage to India?

  This week India launched its second mission to the moon named Chandra-Yaan-2 (literally Moon vehicle-2). Eleven years ago, India’s first lunar mission, Chandra-Yaan-1, contributed to the discovery of water on the moon by “using two scientific payloads – Moon Impact Probe (MIP) and NASA-built Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3). Both picked up data that definitively…

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Interesting TACs of the Week (July 20 – July 26, 2019)

Summary – A top-down review of interesting calls and comments made last week in Treasuries, monetary policy, economics, stocks, bonds & commodities. TAC is our acronym for Tweets, Articles, & Clips – our basic inputs for this article. Editor’s Note: In this series of articles, we include important or interesting Tweets, Articles, Video Clips with our comments. This is an article…

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Interesting TACs of the Week (July 13 – July 19, 2019)

Summary – A top-down review of interesting calls and comments made last week in Treasuries, monetary policy, economics, stocks, bonds & commodities. TAC is our acronym for Tweets, Articles, & Clips – our basic inputs for this article. Editor’s Note: In this series of articles, we include important or interesting Tweets, Articles, Video Clips with our comments. This is an article…

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Interesting TACs of the Week (July 6 – July 12, 2019)

Summary – A top-down review of interesting calls and comments made last week in Treasuries, monetary policy, economics, stocks, bonds & commodities. TAC is our acronym for Tweets, Articles, & Clips – our basic inputs for this article. Editor’s Note: In this series of articles, we include important or interesting Tweets, Articles, Video Clips with our comments. This is an article…

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Fourth of July & The US Military

  We hope & trust all had a great Fourth of July.  This year’s Fourth was special because a tradition was revived with the 2019 National Fourth of July parade that included the US Military. We were not around then but we read that President Eisenhower had a parade that proudly featured the US military…

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