Interesting TACs of the Week (July 10 – July 16, 2021)

Summary – A top-down review of interesting calls and comments made last week in Treasuries, monetary policy, economics, stocks, bonds & commodities. TAC is our acronym for Tweets, Articles, & Clips – our basic inputs for this article. Editor’s Note: In this series of articles, we include important or interesting Tweets, Articles, Video Clips with our comments. This is an article…

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Afghanistan or Pakhtunkhawa or Both?

  1.To heck with them! All of a sudden, major military & historic powers in Western Asia are worried and frantically talking to each other. That alone proves that Biden-Blinken are right to wave goodbye to Afghanistan. For 20 years, America has spent massive amounts of money and committed military men & machines to subdue…

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Interesting TACs of the Week (July 2 – July 9, 2021)

Summary – A top-down review of interesting calls and comments made last week in Treasuries, monetary policy, economics, stocks, bonds & commodities. TAC is our acronym for Tweets, Articles, & Clips – our basic inputs for this article. Editor’s Note: In this series of articles, we include important or interesting Tweets, Articles, Video Clips with our comments. This is an article…

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Happy Fourth to All

  Half way into this year, America & the World have already come out of the worst pandemic seen in a hundred years. American Economy and the World’s economy seem poised for an upswing. The American stock market & many of the world’s stock markets are at new all-time highs. So regardless of what challenges…

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Interesting TACs of the Week (June 26 – July 2, 2021)

Summary – A top-down review of interesting calls and comments made last week in Treasuries, monetary policy, economics, stocks, bonds & commodities. TAC is our acronym for Tweets, Articles, & Clips – our basic inputs for this article. Editor’s Note: In this series of articles, we include important or interesting Tweets, Articles, Video Clips with our comments. This is an article…

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Interesting TACs of the Week (June 19 – June 25, 2021)

Summary – A top-down review of interesting calls and comments made last week in Treasuries, monetary policy, economics, stocks, bonds & commodities. TAC is our acronym for Tweets, Articles, & Clips – our basic inputs for this article. Editor’s Note: In this series of articles, we include important or interesting Tweets, Articles, Video Clips with our comments. This is an article…

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Interesting TACs of the Week (June 12 – June 18, 2021)

Summary – A top-down review of interesting calls and comments made last week in Treasuries, monetary policy, economics, stocks, bonds & commodities. TAC is our acronym for Tweets, Articles, & Clips – our basic inputs for this article. Editor’s Note: In this series of articles, we include important or interesting Tweets, Articles, Video Clips with our comments. This is an article…

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Financializing 1.3 Billion People; Corona Virus 2nd Wave & Indian Stock Market

  Editor’s Note: This is a journalism article that merely expresses our personal opinions and features comments made on Social Media, Print & Television. It is not an investment article. It is NOT intended to provide any investment advice of any type whatsoever. No one should base any investing decisions or conclusions based on anything…

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